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Defy Ventures, Tri-State Region (NY, NJ, CT)

przez Defy Ventures, Inc.

Defy Ventures, Tri-State Region (NY, NJ, CT) uses entrepreneurship as a tool to break down barriers and create opportunities for people with criminal histories to thrive when they return to our community. Defy’s curriculum provides currently and formerly incarcerated individuals critical skills for success through entrepreneurship training, employment readiness, and personal development. We amplify the impact of our curriculum by connecting program participants, Entrepreneurs in Training (EITs), with local business leaders. Volunteers provide vital professional and personal support that sparks the confidence and inspiration for EITs to realize their potential. Simultaneously, volunteers benefit from a unique opportunity to directly confront social injustice, racial bias, and mass incarceration.

Defy is a catalyst for change in our community and needs your support.

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